Independent Contractor (IC) Position Description
Military Status: Retired Veterans
IC will need to prove prior experience in Project Management (PM) via resume with verifiable references or hold a National Project Management Certification.
IC will be required to sign an Independent Contractor agreement and a Non-Disclosure/Non-Compete Agreement.
IC should have previous knowledge and experience in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Daily tasks will include searching database web sites for assigned Client possible claims, submitting claims for the Client, updating Client spreadsheet with associated claims and dollar amounts. IC will use the Strategic Corporate Recovery, LLC Training Guide to perform their daily tasks. IC will work from home, have a reliable internet connection, have a laptop with sufficient memory (RAM 32.0 GB), and be able to access Microsoft OneDrive (Provided by the Business Owner) to perform their daily functions/responsibilities. A cell phone or home phone is required for contact and performing needed follow ups.
Veteran: Brian Reilly
Dear Strategic Corporate Recovery, LLC: I am writing to inform you that STRATEGIC CORPORATE RECOVERY, LLC has been certified by the Veteran Small Business Certification Program (VetCert) at SBA. Your certification confirms your eligibility to compete for set-aside contracting opportunities, as well as other benefits, as a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB). What you need to know: STRATEGIC CORPORATE RECOVERY, LLC is certified as a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) and publicly listed at Your certification is valid for three (3) years from the date of this letter. You may visit SBA's website to download SBA-approved digital icons that indicate your certification status. SBA may conduct a program examination at your office or work site during your certification period to verify the accuracy of your certification. You may apply for recertification 120 days prior to your expiration date by logging in to your Veteran Small Business Certification profile. What to do if your business changes: You must inform SBA of any changes to the business that could affect its eligibility for the program, such as: a closure a change to the firm's ownership, business structure, or control filing of a bankruptcy a change in a Veteran-owner's active duty status You can inform SBA of changes through the VetCert website at Failure to report eligibility changes within 30 days of the change could result in: Civil and criminal penalties A referral to the Debarment and Suspension Committee Decertification and removal from the Veteran Small Business Certification Program Please keep a copy of this letter to confirm STRATEGIC CORPORATE RECOVERY, LLC's continued program eligibility. Thank you for your service to our country and for continuing to serve the United States through small business ownership.
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